Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bless this mess...

Lord, bless that which is a mess in my home.
Lord, bless that which is a mess in my life.
Lord, bless that which is a mess in my head.
Lord, bless my kids that are a mess and those that they also make.
Lord, bless me and my mess so that we can BE a blessing!'s one of those days. You wake up and you want to groan. "Do I really have to get out of bed today??" You know the answer. It's the rhetorical question on the lips of EVERY Mother at some point in time. When life seems overwhelming, things aren't going as you'd like, but those littles STILL want you to get up and act as though everything revolves around them. *sigh* It's exhausting.

Since it was one of those mornings for me I don't have lots of time to sit and ponder the questions of the universe. Instead, I'll be "entertaining" Captain of the Universe, Miss Universe and What IS the Universe again? until the sun sets on this beautiful day.

BUT...before I go tackle my hair (you should see it...sooo not prit-dee) I wanted to share this with you...

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

TADA!!! Did you feel it??? That little jump of hope, peace, security and love all flood your heart at the reading of God's promise for today?? WOOHOO! Forget the coffee...God's word just jump started my heart! (Ok, no. Don't forget the coffee, it's vital for today...but you get the point I was trying to make, right?)

In Him we have hope...even for the worst of days. We have a reason to rejoice and say, "This is the day that the Lord has made. I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!!" Look to the hope of the cross and the security that comes from knowing God has it all under control.

In the midst of your mess this morning, REJOICE! God has it all under control.
If your hair won't be tackled and it's sooo not prit-dee (like mine) REJOICE! God has it all under control!
If your littles are driving you up the wall, REJOICE! God has it all under control!

I know some of you are saying, "That's easier said than done" BUT NO, IT REALLY IS THAT EASY! :P

Relax, laugh a little, TAKE HEART and let God (and the Littles) be the center of your Universe today. Rest in knowing that He has already overcome the world AND ALL of your messes!

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