Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I Wanna Be...A Tree

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” - Jeremiah 17:7-8

Yes, a tree. You get it now, right? I mean, after reading that verse it kinda makes sense. A tree...firmly planted and rooted in the soil, producing good fruit. It's simple. So why is it so hard? I mean really, do you think about "producing good fruit" every time you open your mouth or do you just let stuff come out with no consequence to the fruit it is producing? Do you talk without thinking or carry an angry look on your face and refuse to smile sometimes? Weeelllll, with my hand raised high in the air I will say, "I do, I do!" Not that I'm proud of that. But I just have to be honest.
It's tough to constantly be thinking about the little things. But guess what? Paying attention to detail is most definitely a plus. It's these little things that we don't think about that non-believers are watching. Really. Not kidding. They just look for those little contradictions that can say we aren't who we say we are. And really, is that "good fruit"? Nope. Not only that, but it does affect our thoughts and our actions. You get too used to that angry face you're carrying around and you start becoming angry b/c everyone is REACTING TO YOU b/c you LOOK angry! ***WHAM*** That one hit me in the face just the other day.
I know it sounds like I'm off topic with the verse above...but I think the little things fall into the category of "it's leaves are always green". I want to be a tree whose leaves are always green...constantly producing fruit. That takes discipline. Keeping our eyes on the little things. Questioning ourselves and the little things we do. I think when our faces, our thoughts and our hearts all line up together, with the word of God, we are green. Green trees...producing fruit.
Sooo...I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be...a GREEN tree! :P

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